
The Barony of Wyewood has several regular classes for members of the barony. All practices are subject to change on short notice due to weather, event conflicts, or facility availability.

Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.

Check out upcoming events or keep an eye out for the following ongoing activities:

Dance Practice

Wyewood dances on the Fourth Thursday of the month. For information and directions, contact Maestra Sara de Bonneville (


If you are an archer with experience or interested in learning, come join Wyewood for our weekly practices.

Wyewood holds practice each week:

  • Saturdays from 10am to 1pm
  • Wednesday practice is over for the year due to darkness

Practice is held at our range behind AES, in Kent. Practices are dependent on weather.  Updates the day of practice will be posted on Facebook, Discord, and the Baronial email list.
Questions? Contact Archery Marshal

Wyewood Archers ( is a special list you can also subscribe for updates about Archery practices.

Loaner gear is available.


Meets on Sundays at Talbot Hill Elementary School (2300 Talbot Road S, Renton, WA 98055) from 11am-1pm. Questions? Contact Rapier Marshal


Wyewood Outdoor Archery Range
From Hwy 167 NORTHBOUND take the 180th st exit, get in the far left turn lane and turn left.
Cross the bridge and go through the first light (East Valley Highway) and take a left at the next light, Lind St.
From Hwy 167 SOUTHBOUND take the 180th East Valley Highway exit, and then take a left at the light.
Go to 180th and take a right, and then a left at the next light, Lind St.

Go behind the warehouse of Associated Energy Systems and turn right into the parking lot.
We will be near the end of the lot. You will see the targets in the field to your right.

Talbot Hill Elementary School – Rapier

"It matters not where you live; Wyewood is a state of mind."