Office of Chirurgeon

Position Description

TN-ChirurgeonSCA Chirurgeons provide first aid at Society events.
Members of the SCA Chirurgeonate include Red Cross-trained first aiders, medical doctors, military medical corpsmen, nurses, paramedics, St. John’s Ambulance volunteers, and many other medical volunteers.
A Chirurgeon’s Warrant of office crosses Kingdom boundaries.


The Chirurgeon of a Local Branch of the SCA must be a current member of the SCA, Inc.
You must maintain your SCA Membership for the duration of your term in office.
Terms of office in Wyewood is traditionally two years.
The applicant must be at least 18 years of age in order to hold this office.

Although not required for this office, it is recommended that the Chirurgeon have a working telephone number.
As email has become the approved medium for the dissemination of information and communication within the Barony and the Kingdom at large, daily access to both email and the Internet is recommended.

The Chirurgeon must meet the minimum qualifications to hold a Kingdom Chirurgeon’s warrant as specified in Corpora, Kingdom law, and the Chirurgeons’ handbook.

Specifically, they must obtain and maintain a current and active warrant from the An Tir Kingdom Chirurgeon before taking office.


The members of the Chirurgeonate provide first aid on a volunteer basis at SCA events.
First aid performed in the SCA is Good Samaritan in nature and is provided to anyone who asks at no cost to the recipient

The Chirurgeon is expected to inventory and maintain any Barony regalia, property and records assigned to or held by them.
They are expected to transfer these items in good order to their successor or to the Seneschal if no successor exists.
They are expected to arrange advertising for, or the training of a successor.
They are expected to attend regular officer and business meetings unless prior arrangements are agreed to.
They are expected to submit a yearly office budget to the Barony Financial Committee.

Maintain the printed handbook and update as needed to keep in compliance with the governing documents of the SCA, Inc.