Category Archives: Help Wanted

Baron Wants You! (To give award recommendations!)

Greetings amazing people of Wyewood,

Baroness Alessandra and I need your help.
This season of feasting we have been travelling throughout the kingdom
visiting our cousins.  From in Glymm Mere in the south to the Great White
North of Tir Righ, we have been assisted by those who graciously
volunteered as retinue for us.
But as we have travelled, we have possibly missed the actions of those who
work hard to keep our barony strong.

Service, the willing hand offered to help, is the lifeblood of the Dream.
Did you witness acts of service worthy of recognition?  If not that is well
BUT if you did we want to hear from you!

Martial prowess is the strength upon which we depend on to defend our
lands. On the ranges or at the practice/tourney fields did you see acts of
chivalry worthy of note?  If yes, please tell us!

The Arts and Sciences are the heightened mind melded with skilled hands to
create so many of the things we hold dear.  From banners and boxes to bread
making every thing is created by us.
Have you seen any recent artistic works that deserve to be recognized?  We
want to know!

And if you see anyone new to our branch, aspiring to be better
everyday, pitching in where they can, first please thank them and then tell
us so we may also thank them for their efforts.

In short, we need you as our eyes so no one who does well in Wyewood is
missed in being recognized.

Many thanks!
Evrard & Alessandra
Baron & Baroness of Wyewood

Ursalmas volunteer request


I just got word from One of the Ursalmas wranglers. They ask that I circulate the requests around.

1) They are looking for people, preferably new people who would be
willing to be retinue for the event. I assume for various visiting
excellencies etc. Contact Their excellencies Bryson and Angharad.

2) They are also looking for volunteers to help man gate for at least a couple hours or more at the event.

Feel free to forward to other lists


Baron Robert

Reminder: Wyewood Winter Feast – January 16th, 2016

Greetings good gentles, and Happy New Year,

A gentle reminder that the deadline to pre-register for the Wyewood Winter Feast is Wednesday, January 6th. Seating for the feast is going quickly. We will only be able to
accommodate 50 people for the feast itself; you want to be one of them. Please be sure to register and submit your payment promptly. Full details and the link to pre-registration can be found below.
For those that have questions regarding the ingredients, the menu ingredients are now posted to the website. If you find you still have questions, please contact the Head Cook at

Greetings unto the populace of Wyewood and those that call her Friend,Harvests are safely stored for the winter, sheep recalled from the high pastures before the onset of the snows, and the hearth prepped to keep the seeping chill at bay. With quiet within the woods and calm upon the fields, noble Robert, Baron, and serene Gabrielle, Baroness, open the halls of Wyewood for a winter feast to honor and celebrate our quintessential patron saint, Saint Bubba.Come be seated at the tables of the Lord and Lady of Wyewood. Participate or witness the competition to be the next baronial Arts & Sciences champion. Attend a class on getting situated in our Society. Perhaps compete in a rapier tourney of fun and evil? Most certainly stay and attend a Wyewood feast that follows the travels of Saint Bubba across the Known World until his arrival at the walls of Chepstow!What: The Feast of Saint BubbaWhen: Saturday, January 16th, 2016. Where: Maple Valley Community Center, 22010 SE 248th Street, Maple Valley, WA 98038Time: Doors open at 10AM, Feast begins at 6PM.Fees: Gate is $12/Adult, 18 & younger free ($5 Non-member surcharge applies). Feast is $8 for ages 7 and older, free for ages 6 and under.Pre-registration: The feast is by pre-reg only. To pre-reg, visit and click on Pre-reg.More info: Additional information about all the activities, full feast info, and more can be found at Written by my own paw this sixth day of December, Anno Societatis 50, from my warm manorial roost in Wyewood.

Yours in Service,
Constantine Trewpeny

Wyewood help at July Coronation

Greetings Wyewood,

We as a Barony will help with parking and gate on Saturday from 10am-2pm Gate shift at July Coronation.

We agreed to supply a minimum of 2 people at the Table at all times = Need one more for the Noon-2 shift.

We agreed to supply a minimum of 2-4 people at the Cars at all times = Need at least one more for both shifts.

I know it’s not glamorous but it is necessary for the functioning of the event. And we did agree to take this 10am-2pm shift for Lady Red Finn back in May at our business meeting. PLEASE message Allessandra de Montefeltro if you can take one or more of these shifts.

In Service,

Alessandra da Montefeltro
Wyewood Seneschal

Position open: Webster

My term as Webster is up! It was up in August and I didn’t notice! I would like to step down, and soon.

My ‘platform’ when I applied for the job was that I would redo the Wyewood website in such a way that anyone could be the webster. And now I have done that. You don’t need to know code to update the site anymore! Can you write emails, or comments on websites? Then you have all the technical skill you need to update the website.

I have offered to stay on as the background tech person to make sure the site stays up and running. It’s on my server, so I would have been doing that anyway. The webster just needs to update content as needed, manage the mailing list (not much to be done there), and keep an eye on things at the Facebook group.

Many of you would be great at this! Please apply for the job. Once again: NO CODING SKILL REQUIRED.

– Wenyeva atte grene