Category Archives: Event Steward

Thank yous from the steward of the Feast of St. Bubba

Greetings Wyewood,
Now that I am somewhat rested and have had a bit of time to collect my
thoughts, I would like to offer my thanks to all who helped make this Feast
of St. Bubba a successful event.  To any I have missed, I offer apologies.
A team may require a leader, but a leader is nothing without the support and
dedication of their team.

My thanks to Her Majesty Dagrun Stjarna, Baroness Aelisia of Glymm Mere,
Baron Conchobar and Baroness Eilidh of Dragon’s Laire, and Baron Enzio and
Baroness Spike of Madrone for joining us for our humble event.
My thanks to Baroness Alessandra da Montefeltro for the beautiful site
tokens and for managing preregistration.  To Lady Alamanda de Claret for
fetching coffee for the sleepy set-up crew.   To Don Donatello Asino and
Lady Vilda Leusch for moving supplies to and from site.  To M’lord Geoffrey
of the Reeds, M’lady Eadaoin, Don Donatello, Lord Oddr Thialfason, Lord
Gabriel De La Roche, Lady Arabella de Fontaine, and others I did not see or
did not catch their names for set up and take-down.  To all those who sat
gate.  To Lord John de Percy, M’lady Gwir ferch John, and Lady Petronella
Kovacs for helping to manage table spacing when things got a bit
challenging.  To my teachers, Maestra Sara de Bonneville, Lady Adrianna the
Fierce, and Lord Emil of Dragon’s Laire for sharing your knowledge and joy
with us.  To Lady Alizand Thorgeirsson nee’ LeFevre for bringing the Youth
and Family Achievement Program display.  To Lady Marguerite fitz William for
not only running our Court of Love, but teaching a class about it earlier in
the day.  To Lord Ramon Diaz de la Vega for managing our Rapier tournament.
To Lady Wulfwyn Aethelwulfsdottir for creating a lovely box as a prize for
the tourney.  To Lady Arabella, Baroness Gabrielle Lepinay, M’lady Gwir, and
M’lady KC for the lovely decorations.  To Lady Talveen Kaur for running our
brewing contest.  To Lady Liadain ni Sheanachain for running our largess
contest.  To Lady Jorunn Aslaksdotter for the lovely music.  To Master
Robert Trinitie for running the dessert auction.  To Lord Xenos Makellares
for being the auctioneer and for managing servers.  To the Barony’s children
and Lady Liadain for serving.  To Lady Lianor Pereira do Valle for standing
in for me as Court Coordinator.  To Lord Oddr Thialfason for doing me the
honor of performing my Heraldic Baptism.  To Lady Sofia de Toledo for the
wonderful lunch.  I need the recipe for that chicken and garbanzo bean soup!
To the Madrone Culinary guild for the loan of serving dishes.  To Master
Robert and Baron Aladar Stensen for washing dishes.  To the wonderful, well
orchestrated kitchen crew.  To Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol for all the
advice and guidance you provided.
My deepest thanks to Lord Constantine Trewpeny and Lady Symonne d’Aywaille.
You did so many things I lost track but most especially managing gate.  To
Lady Gwendolyn MacAuslane of Loch Lomond, M’lady Gwir, Lady Liadain, Lady
Lianor, and Lady Petronella for tag-team caring for me and reminding me to
care for myself.  To Lady Petronella for being my ‘auxiliary brain’ during
the event.  To Tymme Lytefelow for creating the website, running lists, and
generally always being there when I needed.  To my Co-steward, Baroness
Gabrielle for managing advertising the event, the set-up of the tourney, and
a million other things.  To Lady Rignach of Argyll, for your unending “can
do” attitude, support, and faith in me.  The menu that you and Countess
Elisabeth presented was wonderful.
And finally, to Baron Evrard and Baroness Alessandra and to the Great Barony
of Wyewood for allowing me a chance to showcase our hospitality and
celebrate the accomplishments of our fellows and the joy we take in The
In service,
Lady Avine de Hert
Steward, Feast of St. Bubba

Wyewood Champions 2016 Post-Event Evaluation survey


At our August business meeting I was tasked to put together a SurveyMonkey
evaluation to be used as a post-event commentary from attendees. The survey for
Wyewood Champions is ready to roll out and I will keep it open for 10 days. As
of September 11, I will gather the commentary and forward it to the Event
Steward. It will also be filed with the event report.

Going forward we will be incorporating this post-event evaluation as part of our
event process.

Please go to SurveyMonkey and fill out the survey for Wyewood Champions 2016.
Many thanks,

Alessandra da Montefeltro
Wyewood Seneschal

Consult Table at Arts Unframed

Looking for help or feedback on A&S projects or research? Bring your questions to the Arts and Sciences Consult table at Arts Unframed, October 8 in Wyewood. Here is a schedule of when our expert artisans will be available to give feedback and guidance on your current and potential work at the Arts and Sciences Consult Table.

9:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Mistress Elizabeth Blackdane – Costuming, esp 16th century; basic research
Sir Michael Richard the Tall- Shoemaking, leatherworking
Sir Stefan of Pembroke – Metalworking, esp. lost wax and bronze casting
Mistress Alisaundre ni Feidhleimeidh dal gCais – Performing arts

12:30-2:30 PM
Dame Madrun y Gwehyddes – Weaving, bookbinding, embroidery, kumihimo, leather tooling
Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol – Culinary, costuming
Baron Duncan Angus MacDonald – Ceramics
Mistress Eulalia Piebakere – Culinary, 13th and 14th century culture, research papers

2:30-4:30 PM
Mistess Isolde de la Vielle-a-Roue – vocal and instrumental music, costuming
Magistra Turrean ni Chaoilte dal gCais – Scribal arts
Mistress Annisa Elisabetta Gabrielli – Scribal arts, equestrian, 14th c. costume
Marquessa Laurellen de Brandevin – costuming, oil painting, embroidery, jewelry

In Service,

Dame Esclarmonde de Porcairages

Wyewood Champions, the ones who make it happen

The making and running of an event is mind boggling. I am so grateful to so many. Please let me know if I miss you in this list- I know I will. So many talents, so much service…

Thank you to Lord Xenos for stepping up as event steward and for putting up with a baroness who demanded kisses every time he wanted to address the populace. He organized the event stunningly, and despite a sprained ankle, kept it running smoothly. And he’s hot.

Thank you to our former champions- Lord Heinrich, Lord Konrad, Arcos Daffyd, Master Rauthulfrand Yeoman Leo le Firce for designing and running the tournament to find their successor. Thank you to the additional marshals, Jacabo Don Enzio and Don Eagle, and to the multiple judges who assisted with Arts and Sciences.

Thank you so much to Lady Irene for running the lists.

Huge thank you to Arabella and Gabriel for running hospitality, and for Arabella for insisting a water break for the populace during what was our longest court.

Huge huge thanks to Lady Avine and Master Mir for the great skills in heralding and court organization. Avine, you made my life so easy, thank you. Mir, I loved how you made court run smoothly despite a randomly crying baroness, and how you tailored and changed each ceremony to help us make it personal as it should be. Thank you for all the town cries. Thank you to Lady Natasha for assisting as always as stunt herald and friend.

Thank you to Lady Vashti and Don Donatello for making sure everything we needed was present. Thank you Lady Vashti for running the very popular swap meet. Thank you both for feeding me coffee, and for helping me with our ending court dramatic enactment.

Thank you to Lady Miranda for creating the necklaces for awards.

Thank you to Lady Alamanda, Lady Catrione, Lady Vashti, Master Mir and the scribal team for creating scrolls that are a celebration.

Did I mention our event steward is hot? I really like him…

Thank you to Archos Evrard and Lady Alesandra for joining us in court. Thank you for the beautiful flowers and the loan of a sword.

Thank you to Lady Anne Mary Quinn for running a smooth and welcoming gate.

Many, many thanks to Lady Sophia for creating a beautiful and delicious lunch. Thank you to Lady Constantiaand Lady Symonnefor all the hard work you put in.

Thank you to the many who assisted in the setting up and taking down of the event.

Thank you to all who attended our event and shared your joy with us.

Thank you to our new members who took a chance with this craziness and liveliness that is the SCA. We hope to see you again soon.

In gratitude, love and service,

Baroness Gabrielle

Event Steward’s Log

Event Steward’s Log: This will be the last log post for a while, since I am leaving to go overseas on Wednesday. Before Coronation, I updated the An Tir Calendar page I have control of to include the event website and some more Laurels who agreed to come. I asked Sofia, who made the book check-out form last year, to share the form with Alamanda, who will manage book check-out this year.
At Coronation, I posted biffy fliers for the event and plugged the event during the Laurel meeting. Well, I also plugged it any time I could in reasonable conversation, too.
Since I will be going out of town and am uncertain about my electronic access, I will post to the FB page the dates of my absence so that people are aware that I may not reply to inquiries about the event immediately.

Event Steward’s Log

Event Steward’s Log: This will be the last log post for a while, since I am leaving to go overseas on Wednesday. Before Coronation, I updated the An Tir Calendar page I have control of to include the event website and some more Laurels who agreed to come. I asked Sofia, who made the book check-out form last year, to share the form with Alamanda, who will manage book check-out this year.
At Coronation, I posted biffy fliers for the event and plugged the event during the Laurel meeting. Well, I also plugged it any time I could in reasonable conversation, too.
Since I will be going out of town and am uncertain about my electronic access, I will post to the FB page the dates of my absence so that people are aware that I may not reply to inquiries about the event immediately.

Event Steward’s Log

Event Steward’s Log: It’s been a busy week! I wrote up a letter to chatelaines to encourage them to promote the event, and sent that to the kingdom chatelaine for distribution. That letter included a letter that chatelaines could, in turn, send to individual newcomers about the event. I wrote up and sent an e-mail for advertising the Laurels and artisans that would be on site (BTW, it would be nice if people let me know if they forwarded it that, thanks!) Tymme cleverly noticed that the Laurel list was longer than the one that he put on the website and asked for a clean list so he could update the website. Since the initial publication of that list on Facebook, several Laurels and artisans have added that they are attending. So I sent him the update and we e-mail chatted about related things. Also, I made a new biffy posting for July Coronation, one aimed more at the general populace rather than those who are already experienced artisans. I don’t want people to think that this is just an event for Laurels to hobnob with each other. I ran off 3 copies and they are in a folder ready to take to coronation.

Event Steward’s Log

Event Steward’s Log, Supplemental: I make it a general policy to double-check everything; this especially means confirming things with people, even if I have exchanged messages or had conversations with them. Coming back to make sure that you have the right information or that the other person understands what you need from them can save a lot of trouble and emotional turmoil.
For example, the person at the site said I didn’t need a certain piece of paperwork that had been required by the school district last year. To be sure, I checked with the district officer person in charge of facility rental. Lo and behold, I did in fact need that piece of paperwork. Turning it in promptly saved panic later, and even cost, since this was the paperwork that allowed us to waive a janitor.
Another example is that if I am expecting instructors to come to the event, or as is the case with Arts Unframed, Laurels to come to the consult table and scavenger hunt, a couple of weeks before the event I will message them to confirm they are coming. This also serves as a reminder to them for what they signed up to do! 🙂
Basically, I think being an event steward requires a certain amount of paranoia. I assume that somebody – not everybody, but somebody – is going to forget something. So I spend some time checking in with everybody, because I do not have the psychic powers to know who that person is going to be this time.

Event Steward’s Log

Even Steward’s Log: This week has kind of been low key. I exchanged messages with some people about the event, so I’ll be able to add a couple more Laurels to the list coming. I talked with the kingdom chatelaine about promoting the event with newcomers.

Event Steward’s Log

Event Steward’s Log: This last week I have been focusing on getting the word out about what Laurels and artisans will be at Arts Unframed. Since one significant draw of the event is who is there to hobnob with, I want to get that info out well in advance of the event. Part of this meant checking with several of those Laurels to see what their preferred title is (Dame, Mistress, etc.). Once I had that all together, I posted the list on the An Tir Calendar page and on the Facebook page, and sent the info to Tymme to add to the event’s website. I want to send out an e-mail as well, but I’d like to compose a good intro for it so maybe that will happen in a day or two. Additionally, I chatted with a person with some marketing education about how I can aim some of the marketing at newcomers/ people who are new to the arts. They had some great ideas like words to use in ads and working with chatelaines. I hope to implement some of those withing a couple of weeks!